Matt Blair

Matt Blair

I read that you learn more from a poor example than from a correct one. I don't believe this but that means my site will be a success.

3-Minute Read

I’ve found a neat feature of derby dealing with the ready() function. I’ve been creating a derby app, and in my application I need to load up a client-side calendar. With a standard HTML web page this is straightforward thing to do. On the page you wanted the calendar, you would include the client js for the calendar, some code to load it, and that would be that. Derby introduced some complexity to this relatively simple task. On my first attempt, I put my scripts in the section of…

3-Minute Read

My client tasked me with upgrading their build server. Today, their platform builds VS 2080 solutions in .NET 3.5 - and I’ve been pushing to upgrade everyone to Visual Studio (VS) 2010 and eventually .NET 4.0. I want to upgrade the server to build a VS 2010 solution in .NET 3.5.

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