Matt Blair

Matt Blair

I read that you learn more from a poor example than from a correct one. I don't believe this but that means my site will be a success.

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My client tasked me with upgrading their build server. Today, their platform builds VS 2080 solutions in .NET 3.5 - and I’ve been pushing to upgrade everyone to Visual Studio (VS) 2010 and eventually .NET 4.0. I want to upgrade the server to build a VS 2010 solution in .NET 3.5.

1-Minute Read

I’m a fan of the website I use it to track all my sporting life activities. The primary reason I use this site, instead of one of the hundreds like it, is that you can track anything - yoga, rowing, running, P-90x, underwater hockey, tiddlywinks, whatever. Throw in some customizable reporting and some great hardware integration, and it’s free, and you’ve got a winner.

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